Tall masted sailing ships

Tall masted sailing ships, also known as tall ships, are sailing vessels that have a large number of masts with sails of various sizes. Some examples of tall masted sailing ships include:

Barque: A three-masted sailing ship that has a square rigged foremast and fore and aft rigged main, mizzen, and jigger masts.

Barkentine: A four-masted sailing ship that has a square rigged foremast and mainmast, and fore and aft rigged mizzen and jigger masts.

Ship of the line: A large, heavily armed sailing warship with three or more masts, square rigged on the foremast and mainmast and fore and aft rigged on the mizzenmast.

Frigate: A three-masted sailing warship with a square rigged foremast and mainmast and fore and aft rigged mizzenmast.

Clipper: A fast, tall-masted sailing ship with a narrow hull and large sails, used for carrying cargo or passengers.

Brigantine: A two-masted sailing ship with a square rigged foremast and a fore and aft rigged mainmast.

Schooner: A two-masted sailing ship with a fore and aft rigged mainmast and mizzenmast.

Sloop: A single-masted sailing ship with a fore and aft rigged mainmast.

Yacht: A small, recreational sailing vessel with one or more masts.

Catboat: A single-masted sailing boat with a triangular sail and a wide, shallow hull.